Pekan energized!
After successful energization on April 13th, Greencells now fully completed the 44 MWp Pekan solar...
Greencells accelerates strategic engagement in Italy with appointment of Giuseppe Sofia as new General Manager
With international investors re-considering Italy for investments in renewable energy, German...
Greencells GmbH Group shows resilience in the financial year 2020 and continues to operate profitably
Greencells 2020 Full Year results - stable and resilient in a highly challenging environment. Read...
Greencells expands in the developing Eastern European PV markets with a dedicated branch in Poland
Greencells expands in the developing Eastern European PV markets with a dedicated branch in...
Greencells bolsters business with EUR 7.5 million credit line for projects from Euler Hermes, braves COVID-19 uncertainty
Greencells GmbH is amongst the companies to have secured a credit line by credit insurance giant...
Baraize energized!
Pleased to announce the successful completion of the 15 MWp project with citizen participation in...
Greencells GmbH: successful full placement of secured 6.5% Green Bond 2020/2025; new joint venture in Italy to develop 350 MWp agrisolar
Saarbrücken, 22 April 2021 – Greencells GmbH, a globally active EPC and O&M service provider...
Making´construction 4.0 work for Solar
Pleased to announce that PV Tech have published an article on our Augmented Reality solution in...
Interview with Solar Magazine NL
Check out Solar Magazine NL´s interview with our CEO Andreas Hoffmann on the...