Greencells CEO Andreas Hoffmann at this year’s Structured Finance
Greencells CEO Andreas Hoffmann at this year's Structured Finance discussing solutions for...
Greencells CSO Dr. Peter Vest in a TV report of the german public tv magazine “plusminus”
How much are SMEs and Sustainability benefitting from the ECB´s bond purchasing programme?...
Greencells featured in local magazine
Read the full feature (German) below: Wirtschaftsmagazin Greencells The whole magazine can be...
St. Charles commissioned – revitalization of a former mining area
Revitalization of a former mining area thanks to Greencells´ St. Charles PV-plant in...
Greencells GmbH grows significantly in the first half of 2022 and lays the foundation for accelerated earnings and cash flow realization
Greencells successfully stood its ground in the first half of 2022, laying the foundation for...
Substantial value increase of development pipeline and dynamic growth of EPC and O&M business
Substantial increase in value of our development pipeline as well as the dynamic growth of our EPC...
Festivity of German Unity Day at the German Embassy Budapest
Greencells was honored to participate as one of the main sponsors in this year's festivity of...
The financial citizen participation in our project Bürgersolarpark Hartungshof is now starting
The financial citizen participation in our project Bürgersolarpark Hartungshof (Germany) is now...
Nominated for Großer Preis des Mittelstandes
We're nominated for this year's Großer Preis des Mittelstandes | Netzwerk der Besten, business...