Importance of Rules and Regulations


The Greencells Group recognizes the great responsibility we have as a company with respect to compliance. We are aware that compliance with laws and regulations is crucial to maintaining our good reputation and business success. For this reason, we have implemented comprehensive compliance policies to ensure that we adhere to all relevant regulations.

Our compliance policies include rules and procedures for dealing with customers, protecting personal data and financial information, dealing with business partners and suppliers, and more. We are proud of our commitment to ethical business practices and do everything we can to ensure that our employees are aware of all relevant compliance rules and procedures.

We understand that compliance is an ongoing process and we are always striving to improve our compliance policies and respond to current developments and changes in laws and regulations. We firmly believe that compliance is paramount to the success of our business and we pride ourselves on being a responsible company with ethical integrity.

reporting of a breach of certain legal provisions


“Whistleblowing” is the reporting of a (possible) breach of certain legal provisions by a person who has become aware of the breach in a work-related context (= whistleblower or reporting person).

The EU Directive 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (“EU Whistleblowing Directive”) and the German Whistleblower Protection Act (“Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz”) protect reporting persons from retaliations as a result of reporting a breach. It has always been an important concern of Greencells GmbH to promote open communication within the company and to prevent possible compliance breaches. The new legal requirements were therefore taken as an opportunity to set up an internal reporting channel, whereby reports can be submitted particularly easily and securely via the reporting system “Proliance Whistle” of the compliance service provider Proliance GmbH.


Breaches can be reported via the reporting system “Proliance Whistle”. To access the reporting system, please use the following link:


You can also scan this QR code to access the reporting system: